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Company History

From Hokkaido, full of natural beauty, Kohno Co. is working to create a bright future for the world.

October 1, 1978 Became a Takuma Corp. Representative 
May 4, 1979 Kohno Co. Ltd was organized
October, 1982 Mr. Toshio Abe was elected president of Kohno Co. Ltd.
August, 1984

Kohno Co. became exclusive representative in Hokkaido for Nissei Oval Corp.

October, 1984

Opened Sapporo Sales Office
Began selling Infra-red Heating Unit in Hokkaido

October, 1998 Built New Main Office at Current Location
May, 2001 Added Kohno Co. Testing Laboratory Building
October, 2005 Constructed a Manufacturing Facility for HPH
July, 2009 Sale of First HPH Units
November, 2009

HPH was Awarded the Grand Prize in the Manufacturing Division for Hokkaido New Technology – New Product Development Award

November, 2011 HPH won the Invention Award from the Ministry of Hokkaido Bureau of Economic Industry
February, 2012

Kohno Co. was Awarded, for HPH, the Fourth Japanese Manufacturing Technology Award for Excellence (by Japan Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry)

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